Transitioning From Your Current eGiving Provider

Over 60% of our new parish clients transitioned to Faith Direct from an In House or competitive eGiving program. 
We recognize that every parish is different and we will want to discuss with you in detail to fully understand how your existing program works so that we can recommend a plan that makes the transition easy for you and your parishioners.   


To make this process as simple as possible, Faith Direct creates an account for each of your previous eGivers in our system by importing their information using the data your parish provides.
At a minimum, each existing eGiver account is created with the donor’s general bio information: name, address, phone, and email address.  This information is used to generate each donor’s unique username and temporary password.
**If your church can provide financial (bank or credit card) & gift amount information, it can be imported with the general bio information to make the transition completely seamless for your existing eGiving donors.**


Your existing eGivers already know the benefits of eGiving so the communication plan is designed to provide clear directions for accessing their new Faith Direct account and canceling their account with your previous program.  The letter and email communication include the following:
  • Notice of program change
  • Faith Direct username
  • Temporary password
  • Instructions for canceling an account with the previous program
  • Contact information for Faith Direct Customer Care Team
This separate unique communication is provided only to your existing eGiving donors.  Parishioners that were not participating in your existing eGiving program will receive the traditional letter and email communication.


After your enrollment weekend, our Client Relations Manager will contact you to discuss how to monitor the individual donors that have completed their Faith Direct account either online or by using a paper enrollment form.
This correspondence will include:
  • Your first Donor Export which includes detailed information on new Faith Direct donors.
  • Detailed instructions for understanding the information contained in the report.
  • Information on the Faith Direct Church Administrator Website and how to set up credentials to access all of the online reporting available through the site.
  • Instructions for accessing the Donor Export online.
Three weeks after your introduction weekend, we will schedule a follow-up call with you to see how the transition is going and discuss the next steps. Often, we will suggest sending a follow-up email to any donors who have not made the change.
Email Notifications:  Your Faith Direct account can be configured so that appropriate staff at the parish office receive real-time email notices when parishioners complete their enrollment in the Faith Direct program.  Many parishes use these emails as an additional means for monitoring donor transactions.


Now that your existing eGiving donors have started enrolling with Faith Direct, it is important to cancel their account with your previous provider.  Many eGiving providers give donors the ability to cancel their accounts online, but if your program doesn’t, you will need to cancel accounts from the parish office.

When to close the account with your previous provider:  Faith Direct recommends that you not immediately cancel the account with your previous provider.  Some parishioners may require a few weeks to complete their transition and an immediate cancellation could cause a disruption in donations.

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