Reporting FAQ

How to find Donor Notes

Do you have an appeal where you’re asking the parishioners to leave a note for who the donation is in memory of, or for?  You can find those notes easily under the “Notes” section in the Disbursement report.  There is a ‘Donor Notes’ section that gives the donor name, Faith Direct ID, church ID, appeal name, total and their note.

How to find the new Donors

You can find the new donors in multiple places.  Each Disbursement report in the ‘Notes’ section there is a “New Donor” section as well.  If you don’t want to wait until the Disbursement report, you can run the Donor Export for recurring donors and look at the Inception Date and the Eft Start Date.  The Inception date is the date that they created their account. The EFT start date is the date of their first gifts. 

How to find who’s donated through Text to Give (TTG)

Text to give is a great option for parishes to utilize and in addition to being on the disbursement report, there is an additional report that can be run to see who has utilized text to give.  If you run the “Live Transactions” report, you can narrow the options down to just see who has used text to give.  You can also see it on the Donor Export under the column of Mailing Code, it will state ‘Text to give’.  If you run the Donor export with no filter, you’ll be able to see who has donated overall utilizing text to give.  If you run the donor export with recurring donors selected, you’ll see those who have enrolled in recurring donations utilizing the ‘Enroll’ option with text to give.

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