Creating a Campaign Appeal

If you have a campaign for your parish you can set that up through Faith Direct!  

  • Log in to the church admin site:
  • Click on Appeals
  • Click on New Appeal
  • Enter in
    • Appeal Name
    • Deposit Account (if you have more than one bank account)
    • Fund Number, Fund Description (If applicable)
    • Suppress Appeal from Export File
      • This removes the records from the contribution export that you can use to keep track of the payments in your parishioner record system.  It defaults to no (meaning the information will stay in the file)
    • Include in other giving opportunities section of Donation Reminder Email
      • This is asking whether you want the campaign included in the reminder email that the parishioners get about their upcoming donations
    • Appeal Frequency
      • Change to Campaign
      • Maximum number of months – this is how long you’d like the campaign to run for.  You must fill in something or it won’t save.  We recommend 60 months unless you have a specific time frame.  
      • Start Date: When the campaign is starting
      • You have the option to make this a hard start date meaning that no one can start donating to it before that date, but they can set up pledges.
      • End Date: When the campaign ends 
      • You have the option to make this a hard end date which means the campaign will stop withdrawing when that date is reached. 
      • Down payments: Gives donors the option to make a down payment with their first payment
      • Frequency Options – You can select more than one by holding the Ctrl key on your keyboard and clicking each frequency option
      • Once those options are selected you have to select ALL OF THEM in the below fields – otherwise it won’t let them do that option
      • Is the Appeal 100% Tax deductible
        • This defaults to yes.  If you're using the appeal for school payments it may need to change.
      • Display Appeal on Recurring Gifts Page
        • This will show the appeal on the recurring donation page
      • Display appeal on Give Now Page:
        • This allows the one time payments, it will show up on your 'Give Now' page and they will be able to make a one time payment instead of enrolling in a recurring account
      • You can add notes for both the Recurring Gifts and the Give Now page if you want to give the total costs or any information that the parishioner needs for the Campaign

If you have any questions at all, don't hesitate to reach out to your Client Success Manager directly or send your question to

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