July 2021 Newsletter (Non Parish Specific)

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Good afternoon!

What a busy month lies ahead for parishes – from Independence Day festivals and fireworks in our communities to beloved summer traditions like Vacation Bible School, day camps, and parish picnics that let churches spread God’s love and share fun and fellowship. After last summer’s quarantines and isolation, events like these mean so much this year. Stay safe!

This month we hope you’ll update Faith Direct with any pastoral or administrative staff changes at your parish, and we also have updates on planned website outages this week. You’ll also find disbursement information for this month and a schedule of upcoming webinars.

Thank you for letting Faith Direct be part of your ministries – may God bless you and parish.

Faith Direct offices will be closed on Monday, July 5th, for Independence Day.In This Issue

Changes to Pastors and Parish Staff
Planned Website Outage - Week of June 28th
July 2021 Disbursements
Upcoming Webinars
Changes to Pastors and Parish Staff Help us keep our records up to date!

Have there been any pastoral or administrative staff changes at St. John Demo Church? If so, please contact your Success Manager at alyssa@faithdirect.net.

Please note, any changes you make in the Faith Direct Church Admin system are for the display of your online giving page and do not automatically notify Faith Direct staff.
Planned Website Outage - Week of June 28thFaith Direct is moving to the cloud!

Our Development Team will be migrating our web application’s servers from our current hosting provider to Amazon Web Services. With this migration, Faith Direct’s security, infrastructure, and scalability will improve significantly. In this new web hosting environment, Faith Direct will have access to the industry’s top tools to continue innovating our platform and serving you and your donors best.

If you would like to learn more about Amazon Web Services, please click here to learn more.

This transition will take place at a low-peak usage time in the week of June 28th, during which there will be a temporary outage of three to four hours on church.faithdirect.net and membership.faithdirect.net. If you experience any outage at that time do not be alarmed. 
July 2021 Disbursements

Faith Direct will process June donations on Tuesday, July 6th, and Friday, July 15th. Parish disbursements will be Monday, July 12th, and Wedneswday, July 21st.

Donation processing will occur on July 6th, as July 5th is a federal holiday and financial institutions (as well as Faith Direct) will be closed.

If your parish is currently offering one debit date and would like to add a second, you can contact your Success Manager directly at alyssa@faithdirect.net or send an email to clientcare@faithdirect.net .
Upcoming Webinars
 Church Admin Site Webinar SeriesA member of the Faith Direct team walks you through the important features on the Church Admin Site and answers your questions live!

Please join us as we cover topics like:
  • Running a report and see who has enrolled in Faith Direct in the last day/week/month
  • Tracking newly-scheduled online gifts
  • Enabling appeals for Text-to-Give
  • Forecasting next month's giving
  • and more!

July 8th at 2:00pm EDT 

July 22nd at 2:00pm EDT  

August 5th at 2:00pm EDT 

August 19th at 2:00pm EDT 

Register Now
Events Platform Webinar Series

Join us for an exclusive live overview of the Faith Direct Parish Event Registration Platform. Learn how to create and manage online event registrations for all types of parish activities!

July 8th at 3:00pm EDT 

July 22nd at 3:00pm EDT 

August 5th at 3:00pm EDT 

August 19th at 3:00pm EDT 

Register Now

For more information on the webinar series and available training materials, please contact your Success Manager.

Faith Direct remains here to assist you during this difficult time. If we can be of any assistance to your parish, please call us at 866-507-8757 or send an email to clientcare@faithdirect.net.

Copyright © 2021, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:

Faith Direct, Inc.
7901 Jones Branch Dr., Suite 500
McLean, VA 22102

Toll free: 866.507.8757 • Fax: 703.519.2034 • clientcare@faithdirect.netwww.faithdirect.net
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