How to delete donor notes

Notes in online gifts can be very helpful for providing instruction on how a gift should be applied or including the details of a prayer intention or dedication. But, as you've probably come to realize, not all notes are useful! Many parishioners don't realize that their church receives their name alongside their gifts and they add that information in a note on their recurring offertory, or they add a note to a recurring gift that was only relevant one time.

If your user account has the Donor Management or Master Role permission enabled, you can find a donor's account and remove any notes that are no longer relevant.

  1. Search for the parishioner's account by clicking the magnifying glass icon in the upper left, or by clicking "Donor Search" on the homepage.

    You can search using name, Faith Direct ID (Account ID), envelope number (Church Assigned ID), or email address to locate the correct account.
  2. Once you have located the donor's account, select "Payment Info & Gifts" to bring up their list of scheduled gifts. If a gift has "view/edit" next to it, it has a note.
  3. To remove the note, click the "view/edit" link to open it up. Delete the text and click the "Save Gifts" button when you're done! You can edit multiple notes and multiple gifts at once.

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