How to Add or End a Gift for a Parishioner (or Create an Account)

Sometimes a parishioner would rather have someone at the parish update their account or add gifts that they would like to make.  If your user account has the Donor Management or Master Role permission enabled, you can find a donor's account and add/edit any gifts for them!

  1. Search for the parishioner's account by clicking the magnifying glass icon in the upper left, or by clicking "Donor Search" on the homepage
  2. You can search using name, Faith Direct ID (Account ID), envelope number (Church Assigned ID), or email address to locate the correct account.
    1. If you want to ADD an account, you can click the "Add New Account" from the tabs listed on the right under Donor Search
  3. Once you have located the donor's account, select "Payment Info & Gifts" to bring up their list of scheduled gifts. If they are wanting to add a new gift, on the line where it says 1 new gift(s) and ‘add’ click on the add button.  It’ll bring up a line where you can choose the gift, and you can fill out the amount, start date (
  4. Once you have added the information, click the "Save Gifts" button and you're done! 

To End a gift, you can change the 'Active' status from Yes to No and then click 'Save Gifts'

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