Saving Custom Event Templates

Do you have several versions of the same registration form for youth events? Do you use the same form every year for the annual retreat? Save an event form as a template and you can use it in the setup of future events.

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1. When building an event form, you will see a button next to the "Save Changes" button labeled "Save as New Template. 

If you would like to save an existing event form as a template, you simply have to make a change to the form to get this button to be available. This can be adding a space after a question name and then removing it, or adding a question and then deleting it.

2. A box will pop up where you can give your template a name. Hitting save on this page will save the template into your template list.

3. When building a new event, custom templates will appear in the "Event Type" list beneath the default templates. 

4. Templates can be managed via the "Manage Templates" button at the top of the Forms builder.

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