Event Form Properties: Payment

Overview of the Payment options in Form Properties

Under the Event Form Properties is where the processing fees, discount fees and payment types are housed. If you are wanting to have teachers who are registering have their fees be discounted, a discount code can be created!

Check the box and then enter the code and whether it's a flat dollar or percentage and then the amount. PLEASE NOTE: at this time there is no option to have only part of the fee discounted IE, the tuition is discounted but not supplies like books or robes. It's a discount on the entire total amount. Additionally there is no way for those registering to know if there is a discount or not unless that is explained to them prior to registering for the event.

If you are creating a discount to test an event, once satisfied with how the event is functioning, go in and delete the responses so that it doesn't skew the numbers especially if there are caps on how many people can attend an event. To delete the response, click on the responses report and then scroll all the way over to the right and click on the trash can to delete it. PLEASE NOTE: a response that has money attached to it cannot be deleted.

Registrants view for Discounts:

On the payment tab, you can also allow the option of whether people can sign in to their account from the form. If you select the Enable member portal on the form it will show an option to sign in to their account. When they fill in the sign in information, it will link the form to their account so all they have to do is fill in the rest of the information. Their name and payment information (if it's already in their Faith Direct account), will be populated so that they will not have to add the information again.

How it looks to the donor:

All they would need to do is click the 'Sign In' section and then enter in their username and password and it will then take them back to the form to enter in the rest of the information that is required.

If that option is not selected, it will not be added as an option for them to sign in and it will just have the form information:

The payment tab is also where you can add on the processing fees so the that they are either an optional or required part of the total amount that the donor is paying.

There are five different Fee Types:

Processing Fees can be used if you want them to default as selected but still have the option to be optional (meaning the donor can uncheck the processing fees being added to their total).

Form Properties view:

What the donor sees:

Registration Fee is where it can be made to be required and there is no option for the donor to not have the processing fees included in the total.

Form Properties View

Donor View:

If you have any other questions, please contact your Client Relations Manager at clientcare@faithdirect.net

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