How to Update a Payment Method for a Parishioner Account

When a parishioner reaches out to you that their payment information has bee compromised or if they need to just do a general update, Faith Direct's Customer Service team is more than happy to help them.  They can be reached at 866-507-8757 or by email at

Or, you have the option to update the information!  All that is needed is for you to have Donor Access, and their payment information.  

After you log in to your Faith Direct admin account, click on the magnifying glass in the upper left hand corner to search for their account.

Once you locate their account, click on Payment Info & Gifts:

Click on the + next to Payment Methods:

It will bring up what they currently have on file:

Click on the green New Payment Method.  You can add their bank account or credit card information from here.  The second piece of information needed is whether it replaces all of the current payment methods or if a new one is being added just to have an additional payment method on file for a specific gift.  If it is replacing the payment method for all gifts, click the dropdown and select the credit card or bank account that is currently on file.  Once you select that, then click add and it will make the change for all the gifts.  PLEASE NOTE: unless this step is taken, it's not an automatic process where if a new method of payment is added that it automatically updates everything, you must make the selection during the process of adding the new payment method.  If you forget or that step is missed, you will have to go gift by gift to update the payment method.  

Once the payment method is added and attached to all of the gifts, you can then delete the payment method that is no longer being used. If you do not, then the 'Routing Suspended' notice will remain if the payment method was suspended.

If you have any further questions, please have the parishioner contact our Customer Service team, or you can contact your Client Success Manager.  If you're not sure who that is, please email

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