February 2023 Newsletter (Non Parish Specific)

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Good morning!

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. (Lamentations 3:22-23)We hope your 2023 is off to a good start!  As we approach Ash Wednesday in a couple of weeks and the beginning of Lent, we prepare our hearts to think sacrificially in reflection of our Lord’s sacrifice. During this time, we look to fast in a particular way or add something spiritual to our daily lives. Maybe that includes ways we can work toward being better, more prayerful people or ways we can make the world a better place by testifying to God’s love. Faith Direct is here to give what we can to help you further your ministry.This month we’re sharing detailed information about our Lenten Email Outreach (Fast, Pray, Give up Envelopes!), as well as tax information, our ongoing Event Video series, February disbursement schedule and more.

May God bless you and your loved ones as we approach the Lenten season and throughout the year.

In This Issue

Encourage eGiving with Your Lenten Message
Tax Form 1099-Ks Information and tax statement reminder
Event Forms Video Tutorial Part Nine
February Bulletin & Facebook Announcements
February 2023 Disbursements

Lenten Email Campaign As we welcome the Lenten season, Faith Direct is ready to help you inspire your parish families to think deeply about their stewardship and embrace eGiving for their gifts to St. John Demo Church.As your parishioners focus on the Lenten practices of fasting, prayer, and giving, it’s a wonderful time to introduce people to recurring gifts through eGiving. And we have just the email to help you out!Please see below a downloadable email copy with an uplifting message that inspires your parish families to embrace eGiving. You can view it in English here and in Spanish here. And if needed, feel free to modify the copy to best reflect your parish's ministries and priorities then send the edited copy (or approval of our text) and an Excel file of all your parishioner email addresses to your Success Manager or email clientcare@faithdirect.net.

You can also download the Lent eGiving Social Media Kit with multiple images or use on your social media channels and samples for your church bulletin. These will highlight the opportunity for parishioners to give consistent support securely through eGiving. Our graphic options allow you the freedom to pick the look that best fits your Lenten stewardship theme.

If you have any questions, please contact us at 866-507-8757 or reach out to your Success Manager.

Tax Form: 1099-KsIn accordance with Section 6050W of the IRS Code, Faith Direct's merchant processing partners are required to send a form 1099-K to each of our participating organizations.

This form details the gross monthly amounts processed by Faith Direct for your organization in 2022.  

The 1099-K forms are now being sent to any entity that accepts payments/donations via credit or debit card as part of the IRS's efforts to confirm that the merchant processors are correctly reporting their transactions.

1099-K forms have been sent directly from our processing partners to you and will reference “Ministry Brands Parent LLC” as the company name. You can click here for more detailed information.
Tax Statement ReminderFor churches that requested we send tax statements to their parishioners, those statements were mailed January 31st.   Please allow for up to 10 days for the post office to deliver to households.
Event Forms Video Tutorial Series: Part NineThis mini tutorial will explore the Payment tab in Forms Properties. You will learn how to set up the Processing Offset feature which allows registrants to cover the fees associated with the event. This also covers the Discount Code feature which offers the ability for registrants to enter a code to discount the full price (ideal for volunteers) .Click here to watch the 5-minute video that details these features.

You can access thefull manual and resources here. As always, if you have additional questions, you can contact your Success Manager directly or email the Success team at clientcare@faithdirect.net.
Bulletin Announcement

English:This is a time of year when keeping our new year’s resolutions may become challenging, if we even made any.  Well, here’s an easy new year’s resolution to feel good about: streamline your offertory giving and simplify your support for St. John Demo Church! Now is a great time to stop using checks and envelopes, by switching to eGiving – you can sign up from your computer, smartphone or tablet, and set up a recurring donation or make a one-time gift.

Recurring gifts help give our parish a steady, consistent offertory that strengthens the programs, services, and ministries we lead for our church families and for those in need throughout the community.Sign up today by visiting faith.direct/FD2, or text ‘Enroll’ to (Text-to-Give Number) or call Faith Direct customer service at 866-507-8757. Thank you for your continued support of our parish family.

God Bless You,
(Pastor's Name Here)


Esta es una época del año en la que mantener nuestras resoluciones de año nuevo puede convertirse en un desafío, si es que hicimos alguna. Bueno, aquí hay una resolución fácil de año nuevo para sentirse bien: ¡optimice su ofertorio y simplifique su apoyo a St. John Demo Church! Ahora es un buen momento para dejar de usar cheques y sobres, cambiando a eGiving: puede registrarse desde su computadora, teléfono inteligente o tableta y configurar una donación recurrente o hacer una donación única.

Las donaciones recurrentes ayudan a brindar a nuestra parroquia una ofrenda constante y consistente que fortalece los programas, servicios y ministerios que dirigimos para las familias de nuestra iglesia y para los necesitados en toda la comunidad.

Regístrese hoy visitando faith.direct/FD2, o envíe un mensaje de texto con la palabra 'Inscribirse' a (Text-to-Give Number) o llame al servicio de atención al cliente de Faith Direct al 866-507-8757. Gracias por su continuo apoyo a nuestra familia parroquial.

Dios los bendiga,

(Pastor's Name)

Facebook Announcement

English:Here’s an easy new year’s resolution to feel good about: streamline your offertory giving and simplify your support for St. John Demo Church! Now is a great time to stop using checks and envelopes. Recurring gifts help give our parish a steady, consistent offertory that strengthens the programs, services, and ministries we lead for our church families and for those in need throughout the community.We prayerfully request that you consider signing up for eGiving and setting up your recurring donation. You can use eGiving from your computer, smartphone or tablet for recurring and one-time gifts.

Sign up today by visiting faith.direct/FD2, or text ‘Enroll’ to (Text-to-Give Number).


Aquí hay una resolución fácil de año nuevo para sentirse bien: ¡optimice su ofertorio y simplifique su apoyo a St. John Demo Church Ahora es un buen momento para dejar de usar cheques y sobres. Las donaciones recurrentes ayudan a brindar a nuestra parroquia una ofrenda constante y consistente que fortalece los programas, servicios y ministerios que dirigimos para las familias de nuestra iglesia y para los necesitados en toda la comunidad.

Le pedimos en oración que considere inscribirse en eGiving y configurar su donación recurrente. Puede usar eGiving desde su computadora, teléfono inteligente o tableta para donaciones recurrentes y únicas.

Regístrese hoy visitando faith.direct/FD2, o envíe un mensaje de texto con la palabra 'Inscribirse' a (Text-to-Give Number).

February 2023 Disbursements

Faith Direct will process February donations on Monday, February 6th, and Wednesday, February 15th. Parish disbursements will be Friday, February 10th, and Wednesday, February 22nd.

If your parish is currently offering one debit date and would like to add a second, you can contact Success Manager directly or send an email to clientcare@faithdirect.net.
Did we miss someone? Questions or Recommendations?
Please call us at 866-507-8757 or send an email to clientcare@faithdirect.net.

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