April 2023 Newsletter (Non Parish Specific)

Please note, the church code failed to merge in the Bulletin Announcement section. We apologize for the error.

Good morning!

Luke 24:6 joyfully proclaims the message of Easter: “He is not here, He is risen!” It’s a message of hope and renewal that can guide us throughout the entire year – one that’s especially timely now! When the faithful gather for Easter this year, we will remember the turmoil facing our world. We will be mindful of the challenges that confront our nation. But we can look forward with hope and joy – taking comfort in the knowledge that whatever tomorrow brings, we can always rejoice in those glorious words that define Easter: “He is risen, He is risen indeed!”

This month we’re celebrating a year of the new Events platform along with our ongoing monthly Events video series, bulletin and social media announcements, April disbursement dates, and Easter office closure dates. 

Thank you for letting Faith Direct be part of your ministries. May God bless you and your loved ones!

In This Issue

Easter Office Closure

Easter Flowers

Celebrating a year of the new Events Platform

Event Forms Tutorial – Part Eleven April Bulletin & Social Media Announcements

April 2023 Disbursements

​​​​​Easter Office Closure 

The Faith Direct offices will be closed on Good Friday, April 7th and Easter Monday, April 10th.  

Easter Flowers 

Is St. John Demo Church collecting for Easter Flowers or any other memorial collections this season?

Faith Direct's new event forms builder can be a good tool to collect these donations and intentions. View an example flower donation form here.

Our Knowledge Base also contains several helpful articles for the Lenten and Easter seasons. You can click hereto learn how to find prayer intentions for collections like Easter Flowers or any appeal with special notes or instructions.

​​​​​Celebrating a year with the new Event Platform 

Hard to believe that it’s been a year with our new platform!  If you haven’t had a chance to use it yet, don’t be left out!  With more flexible registration/information collection abilities, and better reporting, many parishes have found it to be a huge improvement!  Here are some of the most commonly asked questions:

  • Can you allow options for discounts for registrants?
    • Yes!  There is a section in the Payment setup that you can allow for discounts.
  • Can those who are registering cover processing fees?
    • Yes!  Under the Payment setup, it can be set that the processing fee be optional or required for those signing up to cover.
  • What happens if someone is no longer able to attend the event?
    • Faith Direct can process the refund for you!  All that’s needed is the parishioner’s name, Faith Direct account number, the dollar amount and if the person needs to be removed from the report.  Send that information to your Client Success Manager and they will take care of it.
  • What happens if an event is cancelled?
    • If the event is cancelled and parishioners should receive a refund, just let your Client Success Manager know and they’ll take care of it!
  • Are these only for paid events?
    • No!  That is the best part!  The event platform can be used for anything whether it’s gathering parishioner data, Mass Intentions, Vacation Bible School, Religious Educations or a Fish Fry!

If you have any other questions about the Faith Direct event platform, keep an eye on our Event Forms Video Tutorial Series or reach out to your Client Success Manager for more help.

Event Forms Tutorial Series: Part Eleven

Many times we’ll go back to a website to look for something and then realize that it’s not there and then the panic sets in that you’ll never find it again.  Never fear about that with our event platform!  If you have a past event that you are looking to find, there is a way to reveal them.  Many times, the situation is that there was a Submission Open and Close date, and the Close date is already past.  This has classified the event into an ‘Expired’ status and archived it.

To find expired events, go to the event forms homepage and, above the list of events, there are three options: Search by Name, Status and Category. You might have to click the funnel icon to expand options.  In the Status section, click the drop down and either click on “Expired’ or “All’ and then click apply.  It will then show the events that are expired to review as you need.  We don’t recommend opening back up expired events as the reporting would include the responses from the previous year, but it can then be used to create a template to then create a new event for this year.

You can access the full manual and resources here. As always, if you have additional questions, you can contact your Success Manager directly or email the Success team at clientcare@faithdirect.net.

Bulletin Announcement


Christ is risen!  As His disciples, we are called to go forth and spread the good news of Christ's Resurrection. The fruitful ministries at our parish are examples of how many of you have answered, and continue to answer, that call.  To ensure such work can continue requires not only gifts of time, but also of financial help.  I ask you to prayerfully consider supporting our parish with electronic donations through Faith Direct.  

You can sign up online at faith.direct/​​​​​FD2, text ‘Enroll’ to (Text-to-Give Number) or call Faith Direct customer service at 866-507-8757.  

You’ll provide us with consistent support that helps us always be at the ready with programs, services, and ministries for our church families and for those in need throughout the community. Thank you for your continued support of our parish family.


¡Cristo ha resucitado!  Como Sus discípulos, estamos llamados a salir y difundir las buenas nuevas de la resurrección de Cristo.  Los ministerios fructíferos en nuestra parroquia son ejemplos de cuántos de ustedes han respondido, y continúan respondiendo, ese llamado.  Para garantizar que dicho trabajo pueda continuar se requieren no solo regalos de tiempo, sino también de ayuda financiera.  Les pido que consideren en oración apoyar a nuestra parroquia con donaciones electrónicas a través de Faith Direct.  

Puede registrarse en línea en faith.direct/FD2, enviar un mensaje de texto con la palabra "Inscribirse" al (número de texto para dar) o llamar al servicio al cliente de Faith Direct al 866-507-8757. 

Nos brindará un apoyo constante que nos ayudará a estar siempre listos con programas, servicios y ministerios para las familias de nuestra iglesia y para los necesitados en toda la comunidad.  Gracias por su continuo apoyo a nuestra familia parroquial.

Facebook Announcement


​​​​As we approach Easter, we focus our daily activities on growing closer to Christ through an increase in prayer, fasting, and almsgiving.  May this extend into our lives beyond this liturgical season.  Signing up with Faith Direct is a great way to focus on almsgiving throughout the year.  It is a secure and convenient way to make a conscious decision about your financial support of our many wonderful ministries.   

Sign up today by visiting faith.direct/FD2, or text ‘Enroll’ to (Text-to-Give Number) or call Faith Direct customer service at 866-507-8757. 


A medida que nos acercamos a la Pascua, enfocamos nuestras actividades diarias en acercarnos más a Cristo a través de un aumento en la oración, el ayuno y la limosna.  Que esto se extienda a nuestras vidas más allá de este tiempo litúrgico.  Registrarse con Faith Direct es una excelente manera de enfocarse en la limosna durante todo el año.  Es una manera segura y conveniente de tomar una decisión consciente sobre su apoyo financiero a nuestros muchos ministerios maravillosos. 

Regístrese hoy visitando faith.direct/FD2, o envíe un mensaje de texto con la palabra "Inscríbase" al (número de texto para dar) o llame al servicio al cliente de Faith Direct al 866-507-8757. 

April 2023 Disbursements

Faith Direct will process April donations on Tuesday, April 4th, and Monday, April 17th. Parish disbursements will be Tuesday, April 11th, and Friday, April 21.

If your parish is currently offering one debit date and would like to add a second, you can contact Success Manager directly or send an email to clientcare@faithdirect.net. 

*****Please note our main operating headquarters has moved.*****

The new address is:

10133 Sherrill Blvd., Suite 120

Knoxville, TN  37932.

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