Updating Envelope Numbers Using Donor Lookup

You have the ability to update your parishioner envelope numbers!  At the start of the new year it’s always very important to make sure that your parishioners have the correct church assigned ID (Envelope number), especially if you utilize Faith Direct exports.  There are many ways you can see what the current numbers are; the best one would be to run a Donor Report to see which donors have a blank space in the Church ID column or just to double check your recurring donors to make sure that they have the correct assigned ID. 

If you notice a donor with no church assign ID or the incorrect number you can update those records as long as you have Master or Donor access.

On your Faith Direct Home Page, click on the small Magnifying Glass icon on the top left corner of the page. This is the donor lookup. We call it the Google of Faith Direct. 

You will then be taken to this advanced search screen where you can search for the donor by their First/Last Name, Email, Account ID, etc.  Then click on the 'Submit Search Query' button.  If you are utilizing the Donor Report, you can also search with their Account ID (Faith Direct ID) and it will take you directly to their account.

It will take you to the search results page. Click on the FDID or Last Name of the donor.

It will now take you to the donor's profile. You can add/update their envelope number on the 'Church ID' field. You can also select "Yes" in the 'ID Locked' drop-down menu. This will gray out the Church ID field for the donor so they will not be able to change it themselves. When you are done updating the envelope number hit the 'Save' button.

Similarly, repeat the process for the rest of all your donors! You will then be configured for imports.  If they are single time donors and you don’t want that information uploaded when the disbursement export is ready, you can put an OT (One time) or NR (Not Registered) in the Church ID field and then when you export the disbursement information you can delete those lines from the spreadsheet.  

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