May 2023 Newsletter (Non Parish Specific)


It's a new month and Spring has finally sprung. Birds are fledging and flowers are blooming in our local parks, our neighborhoods, and in our very own backyards. Flowers and foliage are celebrated early in the Bible as a reflection of God’s creation. Genesis 1:12says,"The earth brought forth vegetation: every kind of plant that bears seed and every kind of fruit tree that bears fruit with its seed in it. God saw that it was good. "May the beauty of God’s world bring you endless joy this month!

This month we're previewing our Summer Email Campaign, sharing our monthly Event Forms tutorial series, along with bulletin and social media announcements, May disbursement dates and Memorial Day holiday office closure.

Thank you for letting Faith Direct be part of your ministries. May God bless you and your loved ones!

In This Issue

Memorial Day Office Closure

NEW! Summer Email Campaign 

Event Forms Tutorial – Part Twelve  

May Bulletin & Social Media Announcements 

May 2023 Disbursements 

Memorial Day Office Closure 

The Faith Direct offices will be closed on Monday, May 29th for Memorial Day.  

Summer Email Campaign 

Faith Direct has prepared email copy encouraging parishioners who do not currently give online to enroll. You can view it in English here and in Spanish here. Feel free to modify this copy to best suit your parish and incorporate any other important messages you may have. Send it back to us along with a list of parishioners' email addresses and we will do the rest!

Be on the lookout for a separate email with a full media kit with images for use on your social media channels and in the church bulletin that reinforce the need to keep offertory consistent through online giving this summer.

Event Forms Tutorial Series: Part Twelve

Now that the event has been created, and the confirmation emails are being received, now there will be the task of downloading the report in order to get any information that is needed.  That can be done at the click of a button.  In order to extract the ‘Responses’, go to the Event tab and in the column on the right, you’ll see the blue Responses with a number next to it.  Click on the blue Reponses, and you’ll be taken to your report!

From there, you will be taken to a screen where it shows each response individually.  If you want to see them all in one report, click on the blue ‘export as CSV’ button. That will give you an excel copy of the responses and all the details that were entered.

You can access the full manual and resources here. As always, if you have additional questions, you can contact your Success Manager directly or email the Success team at

Bulletin Announcement


Make this a Summer of Stewardship!

As summer approaches, we recognize that many families in our parish will be traveling for vacations and other reasons. During this time, we encourage you to consider eGiving to ensure your support for our parish remains consistent even when you're away.   By setting up eGiving through our parish’s online platform, Faith Direct, you can make a meaningful impact on the ministries you care about most, even while you’re away. Your recurring gifts will not only sustain our parish throughout the summer months, but you will help our staff steward God’s resources well by reducing our costs for envelopes and paper and spending less staff time processing cash and checks, allowing more time for missions and ministries.

Getting started with eGiving is easy. Here are the ways to sign up:

• Visit

• Call Faith Direct Customer Service at 866-507-8757

• Scan the QR code

• Text “Enroll” to <<Text Number Here>>


¡Haz de este un verano de mayordomía!

A medida que se acerca el verano, reconocemos que muchas familias en nuestra parroquia viajarán por vacaciones y otras razones. Durante este tiempo, lo alentamos a considerar eGiving para garantizar que su apoyo a nuestra parroquia permanezca constante incluso cuando esté ausente.   Al configurar eGiving a través de la plataforma en línea de nuestra parroquia, Faith Direct, puede tener un impacto significativo en los ministerios que más le importan, incluso mientras está fuera. Sus donaciones recurrentes no solo sostendrán a nuestra parroquia durante los meses de verano, sino que ayudarán a nuestro personal a administrar bien los recursos de Dios al reducir nuestros costos de sobres y papel y pasar menos tiempo del personal procesando efectivo y cheques, permitiendo más tiempo para misiones y ministerios.

Comenzar con eGiving es fácil. Estas son las formas de registrarse:

• Visite

• Llame al Servicio al Cliente de Faith Direct al 866-507-8757

• Escanea el código QR

• Envíe un mensaje de texto con la palabra "Enroll" a <<Text Number Here>>


Facebook Announcement


As summer approaches, we recognize that many families in our parish will be traveling for vacations and other reasons. During this time, we encourage you to participate in our Summer of Stewardship eGiving Initiative, ensuring that your support for our parish remains consistent even when you're away.

Set up eGiving to ensure St. John Demo Church continues to thrive while you're making memories this summer. It's easy, secure, and makes a BIG difference! Go to


A medida que se acerca el verano, reconocemos que muchas familias en nuestra parroquia viajarán por vacaciones y otras razones. Durante este tiempo, lo alentamos a participar en nuestra Iniciativa de donaciones electrónicas de verano de mayordomía, asegurando que su apoyo a nuestra parroquia permanezca constante incluso cuando esté fuera.

Configure eGiving para garantizar que St. John Demo Church continúe prosperando mientras crea recuerdos este verano. ¡Es fácil, seguro y hace una GRAN diferencia!  Vaya a

May 2023 Disbursements

Faith Direct will process May donations on Thursday, May 4th, and Monday, May 15th. Parish disbursements will be Wednesday, May 10th, and Friday, May 19th.

If your parish is currently offering one debit date and would like to add a second, you can contact Success Manager directly or send an email to 

*****Please note our main operating headquarters has moved.*****

The new address is:

10133 Sherrill Blvd., Suite 120

Knoxville, TN  37932.

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