How to Add Processing Offset to a Parishioner Account

Adding the Processing Offset option to a parishioner account is a great way to help the parish! Through the appeals, Processing Offset is voluntary that the parishioners can turn on and off if they would like.

Please Note: Processing offset is currently offered for recurring gifts accounts and events, it is NOT currently an option for live one time gifts. For recurring gifts it is a voluntary addition, there is no way to make it mandatory that parishioners use it. For events you can make it mandatory, please review the event articles to see that process

Brand New Parishioners

When a new parishioner signs up, there is a question on the sign up sheet right before their payment information that they can check to include the processing offset in their donation amounts. The check box for it is on the second page where they input their credit card or bank account information.

Existing Parishioners - added by Parish Staff

For existing parishioners, parish staff can add the processing offset to looking up the parishioner account and updating their information under the Payment Info & Gifts section:

Click on the payment info and gifts, click on the black plus button next to Payment Methods:

It will bring up their payment information and on the right it will either say yes or no under the Offset column

To update the information, click on the blue ID number:

It will bring up their payment information and then click Yes and then save and it will add the processing offset to their deduction totals.

Existing parishioners can also reach out to the Customer Service team at 866-507-8757 or to have the process offset turned on for their account.

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