November 2023 Newsletter (Non Parish Specific)


As we kick off the month of November, along with the busy holiday stretch and all of the planning that’s involved, please take a few minutes to review the November newsletter and see what all Faith Direct has to offer your parish.

This month will focus on the Seasons of Giving, our regular Event Forms tutorial series, November bulletin & social media announcements, updating Collections for 2024, holiday office closure dates, as well as November disbursement dates.

As always, let your Client Relations Manager know if you need help with any of these or have any other questions or concerns.

Faith Direct is honored to be part of your parish in every season, and for every ministry you offer to your families as well as those in need. Happy Thanksgiving, and may God bless you and your loved ones!

In This Issue

Office Closures

Seasons of Giving

Event Forms 101 – Finding Old Events

November Bulletin & Social Media Announcements

Updating Collections for 2024

Faith Direct 101: Creating Appeals

November 2023 Disbursements

Office Closures

Faith Direct offices will be closed on Friday, November 10th for Veteran’s Day and Thursday and Friday, November 23rd/24th for Thanksgiving.

Seasons of Giving

You may have noticed that we have fallen into a rhythm of giving campaigns that we have dubbed Seasons of Giving. We aim to have a giving email campaign with corresponding bulletin and social media images for each of the four seasons. We just wrapped up our “Fall into eGiving” autumn campaign and are moving into our Advent campaign for winter. Be on the lookout for that email! In the spring we will have our most popular and longest running “Fast, Pray, Give Up Envelopes” Lent campaign, followed by our summer campaign.

Seasons of Giving is designed to engage your parishioners in the spirit of stewardship all year long. The ask is not necessarily for increased giving, but to consider another means of giving i.e. eGiving – a meaningful way to streamline their giving and provide steady, consistent support to their parish and parish ministries.

Here’s a teaser of the Advent Email Campaign!

Event Forms 101 – Finding Old Events

Many times, we’ll go back to a website to look for something and then realize that it’s not there and then the panic sets in that you’ll never find it again. Never fear about that with our event platform! If you have a past event that you are looking to find, there is a way to reveal them. Many times, the situation is that there was a Submission Open and Close date, and the Close date is already past. This has classified the event into an ‘Expired’ status and archived it.

To find expired events, go to the event forms homepage and, above the list of events, there are three options: Search by Name, Status and Category. You might have to click the funnel icon to expand options. In the Status section, click the drop down and either click on “Expired’ or “All’ and then click apply. It will then show the events that are expired to review as you need. We don’t recommend opening back up expired events as the reporting would include the responses from the previous year, but it can then be used to create a template to then create a new event for this year.

If you have any additional questions, you can access the full manual and resources here. As always, if you have additional questions, you can contact your Client Relations Manager directly or email the Client Relations team at

Bulletin Announcement


Psalm 118:29 - "Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; His love endures forever."

There's no better time than Thanksgiving to celebrate life's many blessings. As we gather around tables with friends, families, and bountiful meals, we are reminded that God enriches us to be generous and that our generosity leads to gratitude towards God.

Your generous online donations will help sustain our Thanksgiving ministries that reflect God's love. With Faith Direct, you can make regular automatic contributions to St. John Demo Church using your credit/debit card or bank account. Register today by visiting or call Faith Direct Customer Service at 866-507-8757.

Peace and blessings to your family!


Psalm 118:29 - "Dad gracias al Señor, porque es bueno; Su amor perdura para siempre."

No hay mejor momento que el Día de Acción de Gracias para celebrar las muchas bendiciones de la vida. Al reunirnos alrededor de las mesas con amigos, familias y comidas abundantes, se nos recuerda que Dios nos enriquece para ser generosos y que nuestra generosidad conduce a la gratitud hacia Dios.

Sus generosas donaciones en línea ayudarán a sostener nuestros ministerios de Acción de Gracias que reflejan el amor de Dios.

Con Faith Direct, puede hacer contribuciones automáticas regulares a St. John Demo Church utilizando su tarjeta de crédito/débito o cuenta bancaria. Regístrese hoy visitando, o llame al Servicio de Atención al Cliente de Faith Direct al 866-507-8757.

¡Paz y bendiciones a su familia!

Facebook Announcement


In this season of Thanksgiving, our hearts are full of gratitude for those who give willingly and generously. God’s blessings are abundant when we engage in cheerful giving. Your acts of generosity lead to a deep sense of fulfillment and spiritual abundance.

Go to to enroll for recurring giving.

Many Blessings!


En esta temporada de Acción de Gracias, nuestros corazones están llenos de gratitud por aquellos que dan de buena gana y generosamente. Las bendiciones de Dios son abundantes cuando nos dedicamos a dar con alegría. Tus actos de generosidad conducen a un profundo sentido de plenitud y abundancia espiritual.

Vaya a para inscribirse en las donaciones recurrentes.

¡Muchas bendiciones!

Updating Collections for 2024

Yes, it’s hard to believe 2024 is just around the corner. If you have changes to your collections that need to be updated for the next year, that change can be made in the blink of an eye from your own computer! If your user account has Appeal Management access, simply go to the appeals tab in Church Admin, and then click on the hyperlinked Appeal ID to open the appeal.

Scroll down to Appeal Collection Frequency and you’ll be able use the drop-down selection to change the month from what it currently is to the month that you need it to be. Please make sure to update November and December appeals AFTER that month’s withdrawal for 2023.

Faith Direct 101: Creating Appeals

Whether it’s a one-time gift for a disaster appeal or a new monthly building campaign, there comes a need to create a new appeal for which to direct your parishioners. Please click here for a step-by-step guide on all that and more. As always, you can contact your Client Relations Manager for assistance or email

November 2023 Disbursements

Faith Direct will process November donations on Monday, November 6th, and Wednesday, November 15th. Parish disbursements will be Monday, November 13th (due to the Veteran’s Day holiday), and Tuesday, November 21st.

*Please Note: There is a four-business day period after donations are processed to reconcile transactions with bank and credit card companies before we disburse monies to your church account.

If your parish is currently offering one debit date and would like to add a second, you can contact your Client Relations Manager directly or send an email to

Please note our main operating headquarters has moved.

The new address is:

10133 Sherrill Blvd., Suite 120

Still need help? Contact Us Contact Us