January 2024 Newsletter (Non Parish Specific)

Happy New Year!

We are looking forward to a new year of meeting your parish needs and growing your ministries.  Faith Direct is resolved to work as hard as we can to give you constant support and encouragement as you seek to build support for your parish’s good works.

This January's newsletter is all about that new-year housekeeping, with information about helping your parishioners to update their giving amounts and important information about end-of-year and January disbursement schedules.

Faith Direct is excited to welcome 2024 with your parish – here’s to continued blessings for the new year!

In This Issue


Office Closure

New Year Donor Changes

January Bulletin & Social Media Announcements  

Updating Collections for 2024

January 2024 Disbursements


Office Closure


Please note, our offices will be closed on Monday, January 15th inobservance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.


New Year Donor Changes

With the start of the new year many parishioners want to change (hopefully increase!) their recurring gift amounts and they aren't always sure how to go about it. They can always contact our Customer Service team at info@faithdirect.netor 866-507-8757 for these changes or--if you have Master or Donor access to Church Admin--you can update their gift amounts for them. It's a very easy process to do, click here for more information. ​


Bulletin Announcement


The new year is filled with hope and promise as we seek to grow our vital ministries, explore new ways to share the good news of Christ’s love, and reflect His care and mercy to those in need throughout the community. To continue to make a difference in 2024, St. John Demo Church is reaching out to our parishioners.

Begin the new year with eGiving to help sustain and build ministries throughout2024 that reflect the steadfast promise of God’s love. The need is great in our community, and your generous online gifts will help people all around us.

We prayerfully request that you consider signing up for eGiving from you rcomputer, smartphone or tablet. You can set up a recurring donation or make a one-time gift by by visiting faith.direct/FD2 or calling 866-507-8757. Thankyou for your continued support of our parish family.

God Bless You,

(Pastor's Name Here)



El nuevo año está lleno de esperanza y promesas a medida que buscamos hacer crecer nuestros ministerios vitales, explorar nuevas formas de compartir lasbuenas nuevas del amor de Cristo y reflejar Su cuidado y misericordia a losnecesitados en toda la comunidad. Para continuar marcando la diferencia en2024, St. John Demo Church se está acercando a nuestros feligreses.

Comience el nuevo año con eGiving para ayudar a sostener y construirministerios a lo largo de 2024 que reflejen la firme promesa del amor de Dios.La necesidad es grande en nuestra comunidad, y sus generosas donaciones enlínea ayudarán a las personas que nos rodean.

Le pedimos en oración que considere inscribirse en eGiving desde sucomputadora, teléfono inteligente o tableta. Puede programar una donaciónrecurrente o hacer una donación única visitando faith.direct/FD2 o llamando al866-507-8757. Gracias por su continuo apoyo a nuestra familia parroquial.

Dios te bendiga,

(nombre del pastor aquí)


Facebook Announcement 




The new year is a time of hope and promise as we have opportunities to grow our vital ministries, explore new ways to share the good news of Christ’s love, and reflect His care and mercy to those in need throughout the community. To continue to make a difference in 2024, St. John Demo Church depends on online donations from caring individuals like you.

We prayerfully request that you consider signing up for eGiving and setting up your recurring donation. You can use eGiving from your computer, smartphone or tablet for recurring and one-time gifts.

Sign up today by visiting faith.direct/FD2 or calling 866-507-8757.




El nuevo año es un tiempo de esperanza y promesa, ya que tenemos oportunidadespara hacer crecer nuestros ministerios vitales, explorar nuevas formas decompartir las buenas nuevas del amor de Cristo y reflejar Su cuidado ymisericordia a los necesitados en toda la comunidad. Para seguir marcando ladiferencia en 2024, St. John Demo Church depende de las donaciones en línea depersonas solidarias como usted.

Le pedimos en oración que considere inscribirse en eGiving y configurar sudonación recurrente. Puede usar eGiving desde su computadora, teléfonointeligente o tableta para regalos recurrentes y únicos.

Regístrese hoy visitando faith.direct/FD2 o llamando al 866-507-8757. 


Updating Collections for 2024

Yes, it’s hard to believe 2024 is here!  If you have changes to your collections that need to be updated for the new year, those changes can be made in the blink of an eye from your own computer!  If your user account has Appeal Management access, simply go to the appeals tab in Church Admin, and then click on the hyperlinked Appeal ID to open the appeal.  

Scroll down to Appeal Collection Frequency and you’ll be able use the drop-down selection to change the month from what it currently is to the month that you need it to be.  


As always, you can contact your Client Relations Manager for assistance or email clientcare@faithdirect.net.


January 2024 Disbursements


Faith Direct will process January donations on:


Thursday 1/4

Tuesday 1/16


Faith Direct will disburse to the Parish on:


Wednesday 1/10

Monday 1/22


Any live 2023 gifts that were processed before midnight on December 31st will be included in a separate end-of-year disbursement on January 4th. Because these end-of-year 2023 gifts are in a separate disbursement, your disbursement report on January 10th will only contain gifts processed on January 4,2024. 


If you have an EOY disbursement, you will receive an email notification on January 4th when the report and contribution export file are made available. If you do not receive an email or you do not see an EOY report among your current disbursement reports in the Church Admin site, don't fret! It means that your parishioners planned their end-of-year giving ahead of time and were not processing anything at the last minute. 


*Please Note: There is a four-business day period after donations are processed to reconcile transactions with bank and credit card companies before we disburse monies to your church account.


If your parish is currently offering one debit date and would like to add a second, you can contact your Client Relations Manager directly or send an email to clientcare@faithdirect.net

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