July 2024 Newsletter (Non Parish Specific)


What a busy month lies ahead for parishes – from Independence Day festivals and fireworks in our communities to beloved summer traditions like Vacation Bible School, day camps, and parish picnics that let churches spread God’s love and share fun and fellowship. We hope you have fun and stay safe! 

This month we ask that you please update Faith Direct with any pastoral or administrative staff changes at your parish and feel free to use our suggested materials for your parish’s social media, website, and bulletin. 

Thank you for letting Faith Direct be part of your ministries – may God bless you and parish. 

As always, let your Client Relations Manager know if you need help with anything or have any other questions or concerns.  

In This Issue


July Disbursement Schedule 

July Holiday Office Closure  

Changes to Pastor and Staff 

Bulletin & Social Media Announcements  

Event Preview Alerts 

Church Help Center  


July 2024 Disbursements

Faith Direct will process July donations on: 

Friday 7/5 

Monday 7/15  

Faith Direct will disburse monies to the Parish on:  

Thursday 7/11 

Friday 7/19     


*Please Note: There is a four-business day period after donations are processed to reconcile transactions with bank and credit card companies before we disburse monies to your church account. 

If your parish is currently offering one debit date and would like to add a second, you can contact your Client Relations Manager directly or send an email to clientcare@faithdirect.net.  


July Holiday Office Closure

Faith Direct offices will be closed on Thursday, July 4th for Independence Day.  

Changes to Pastors and Parish Staff   

Help us keep our records up to date!  

Have there been any pastoral or administrative staff changes at your parish? If so, please contact your Client Relations Manager.  

Please note, any changes you make in the Faith Direct Church Admin system are for the display of your online giving page and do not automatically notify Faith Direct staff. 


Bulletin Announcement




Our parish ministries depend on the steady, consistent support provided by monthly givers. It sustains us year-round when summer vacations, holiday travels, inclement weather, and other forces keep people away from services. Plus, it eases the workload on our hardworking staff, since they have fewer cash and check donations to process.  

Thank you for your trusted support – your monthly gifts are always greatly appreciated! Sign up today by visiting faith.direct/FD2, or call their Customer Service team at 866-507-8757. 




Nuestros ministerios parroquiales dependen del apoyo constante y constante brindado por los donantes mensuales. Nos sostiene durante todo el año cuando las vacaciones de verano, los viajes, las inclemencias del tiempo y otras fuerzas mantienen a la gente alejada de los servicios. Además, alivia la carga de trabajo de nuestro trabajador personal, ya que tienen menos efectivo y donaciones de cheques para procesar.  

Gracias por su apoyo confiable: ¡sus donaciones mensuales siempre son muy apreciadas!. Puede registrarse en línea en faith.direct/FD2 o llamar al servicio al cliente de Faith Direct al 866-507-8757.


Facebook Announcement




Do you have summer vacations planned this month or next? eGiving lets you continue to support our parish and the ministries you cherish, even when you miss a Sunday service. You can sign up from your computer, smartphone or tablet, and plan your summer offertory by setting up a recurring donation.  

Sign up today by visiting faith.direct/FD2 or call Faith Direct customer service at 866-507-8757.   




¿Tienes planeadas vacaciones de verano este mes o el próximo? eGiving le permite continuar apoyando nuestra parroquia y los ministerios que valora, incluso cuando falta a un servicio dominical. Puede registrarse desde su computadora, teléfono inteligente o tableta y planificar su ofertorio de verano configurando una donación recurrente.  

Regístrese hoy visitando faith.direct/FD2 o llame al servicio al cliente de Faith Direct al 866-507-8757. 


Event Preview Alerts

You may have seen the below Kiosk alert messages popup if you choose the Preview Form function on your event form. You can safely ignore these alerts.  This only applies for organizations that support Kiosk and that is not something Faith Direct offers at this time.  

Also, the best (and recommended) way to preview a form as the registrant will actually experience it, is to publish, then click the three little dots under Actions and choose Visit Direct Link. If you do not want the Form live, make sure to unpublish the event after you preview it.

For additional resources on navigating the Event Forms platform, you can access the full manual and resources here.  

Church Help Center


Did you know there is a HELP section in your admin platform that is a Go-To Resource for common questions?  The HELP sections is designed specifically to provide you with easy-to-follow, step-by-step instruction for all your reporting and platform needs.  In the HELP section, (found in the upper left, on Blue bar) you will find comprehensive guides and tutorials to assist you in mastering every aspect of our platform.  Whether you are looking to generate detailed reports, manage user permissions, or explore advanced features, our curated resources will walk you through each process with clarity and ease.


To enhance your learning experience, we have incorporated screen shots and visual aids throughout our tutorials.  These images provide visual cues to accompany the written instructions, ensuring you can follow along effortlessly and confidently.


Our goal is to empower you to make the most of our platform and the HELP section is a testament to that commitment.

Still need help? Contact Us Contact Us