Donor Export

For this article, we will use our sample Donor Export which was downloaded with No Filters so that all the donors are displayed on the screen. 

To download this report you click on Utilities and then Donor Export

Once you get to the report, it will ask if you want to include quits (it defaults to no, so you will have to change that to 'yes' if you want to see those parishioners who have quit the program).  Under Filter Criteria, they are as follows:

  • Recurring Donors: those who have signed up for a recurring donation whether it be Offertory or Second Collections
  • Offertory Only: Includes those who have signed up for Weekly or Monthly Offertory
  • Live Only: Gives those parishioners who have donated live gifts (over the phone, Text-to-Give, QR coded appeals or through their parishioner account as a live transaction)

Once you fill in your criteria click on Download Export and you will get the report.

Columns A-N gives information about the donors such as their Faith Direct ID, name, salutation, envelope number (Column C), and their home address. 

Column O (Account Created) is the date the donor's account was keyed into Faith Direct. Whenever you want to find out who are the new donors in your parish, you will need to sort the spreadsheet by the column in Excel so all the newly enrolled accounts are at the bottom of the page. This will help you tremendously find out who is signed up on Faith Direct. 

Column P is the date the donor's first gift was actually processed, and column Q will let you know the status of a user's account. The status would say 'Suspended' if a user's account is suspended, and 'Quit' if the user quit the Faith Direct program altogether.

Column R 'Enroll Method' is useful to know because it tells you how the donor enrolled with Faith Direct.  The different ways a user can enroll is online, through the phone, from a previous eGiving platform, through another church, through events and through one-time gifts.

Column S 'Suspended' tells you why the account was suspended and if it was 'User Suspended' (meaning suspended by the user) or 'Decline Suspended' (meaning their payment was declined due to missing information).

Finally, column U has the donor's phone number, column V has the donor's email, and Column W 'Previous eGiver' will state 'Y' if the user was from another eGiving platform before they used Faith Direct.

The next article will focus on the Donor Lookup tool on Faith Direct. 

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