Donor Lookup

The Donor Lookup

Also known as the Google of Faith Direct, the Donor Lookup is a useful tool to find your donors individually and access their Faith Direct profile.

Located on the top left corner of your screen, the Donor Lookup is a tiny magnifying glass icon. 

Click on the magnifying glass to be taken inside the Donor Lookup page. Once you are in there you may search for your donors using any information you have about them such as their name, email, envelope number of Faith Direct account ID.

Or if you don't have any information about that donor, you can just click on 'Submit Search Query' and scroll through your donor profiles until you find the right one. 

When you find the right donor, click on their FD ID or their last name.

What's important to note on this page is that under Account Details you have the full ability to add/update your donor's envelope number under 'Church ID'. And on the 'ID Locked (Y/N)' drop down field, you can also lock access for your donor to update their own envelope numbers in case you don't want them to update their own envelope numbers. This step could be essential if you are configured for imports and want to avoid errors in import data. When you are done making these changes click on the 'Save' button.

The second page on the donor's profile you can access is the 'Gifts' section. There you will be able to see a list of all their active collections they are contribution to on Faith Direct. As you can see below, Donald is giving to 4 collections.

The third page on the donor's profile is the 'Giving History' section. This is where you will see all the processed contributions made the donor from inception date. It will give you a good idea of how much they are contributing to your church.

We hope this gives you a good description in a nutshell of the Donor Lookup feature on Faith Direct. 

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