Giving History Report

Giving History Report

We have updated the Giving History report so that it is more comprehensive for your needs!  In addition to the Classic Giving History report, we now have the tabs, Group by Appeals, Group by Accounts and Set Date Range.

When selecting the Giving History report from the drop down menu or from the tabs on the left side of your screen, it will default take you to the Group by Accounts tab and default the dates to the last 30 days.  If you are looking for a wider set of time, click on the Set Date Range tab and input the dates that you are looking for and then click 'set new dates'.  This will take you back to the Group by Accounts tab with the updated date range.

Defaulted date range:

Updated Date Range:

NOTE: Do not run the Giving History report for less than 30 days.  There is a possibility that people will get cut off from the report.  

On the Group by Accounts tab, it shows you all of the parishioners who have donated and what they donated to within the selected date range.  At the top if will show the total amount collected and then the buttons under the total give the option to view the expanded Contact Info (which will give all of the contact information they filled out when donating or creating their account) and the Expand Appeals will show you what all appeals they donated towards.  There is also the option to Download Expanded Data and it will export an excel document that will have all of the information in it as well.

The Group by Appeals tab will show you the overall information of what the appeals were donated to in the date range set, what percent of them were credit card or bank account transactions as well as what was live donated and recurring.  The information is great to have on hand for Finance Counsel meetings.  

Classic Giving History Report

The Classic Giving History report gives you a detailed analysis of all the past transactions processed by Faith Direct. The report is built to uniquely give you a filter of processed gifts for a specified date range. The parameters on the Giving History report are the date range and list of appeal collections available for your church on Faith Direct. You can use these parameters to narrow down the search for more accurate results. Based on the entries keyed, our system will process an automatic report that reflects the actual transactions processed during that time frame in the past. The report can be downloaded in different formats or viewed on the website directly. 

The Giving History report has proven most useful for church clients who wanted to know their tax statements for a specified date range or simply understand where most of their donations are going towards. It is available under the 'Reports' menu on your Faith Direct home page.  It has also helpful as it can easily show you who has donated to one specific appeal as well.  The only drawback of the report is it does not include the contact information for those parishioners who have donated, just their names and Faith Direct ID's. 

As a user you will have the option to select all Appeal collections or select collections by holding down the 'CTRL' key and making multiple selections as depicted below.

You can view the report on the screen or choose to download it in 'Excel' or 'Word'.

Once you access the report, it will give you a list of all transactions broken down by appeals on Faith Direct. Under each appeal, is the list of transactions for each donor record. The sub-total is at the end of each appeal. 

At the end of the report, you can also see the net total donations made to all appeals on Faith Direct.

Attached below is a sample giving history report. 


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