Appeal Summary Report

The Appeal Summary report is a detailed overview of all the active gifts on Faith Direct. This is a useful report if you want to know how well your new or existing collections stand of Faith Direct as well as help you understand where most of the gifts are going towards. It is recommended that churches run this report each month to help maximize the donations from parishioners.

Similar to the Giving History report, the gifts are broken down by appeals and further segregated by donors who are actively contributing to that collection 

Running the Appeal Summary report will help you understand the strongest and the weakest collections on Faith Direct. Using that judgment, you can request us to end certain collections that have little or no contributions coming in or add a new collection that has the potential to become a huge success.  The Appeal Summary report will not include one time gifts as they are not technically active.  In order to see those, please see the Giving History report. 

A sample excel version is attached below.


The next article will discuss the Projected Giving report.

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