Projected Giving Report

Projected Giving Report

The Projected Giving report is a summary of what's going to take place for a future month on Faith Direct for any given transaction date. The Projected Giving report lets you know what's on schedule for next month or a later month from every collection that is on Faith Direct. 

The report has filters for month and year as well as filters for the 2 transaction dates on Faith Direct. The user can choose to either predict what's going to be the income for the 4th transaction date, the 15th transaction date, or both transaction dates (as in the entire month).

Using this report, churches can study income growth by comparing this report to the Giving History report for a previous month on Faith Direct or simply estimate how much money will be disbursed into their bank account for a future month. 

A sample is attached below.


The next article will discuss the Pledge Summary report.

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