Pledge Summary Report

Pledge Summary Report

The Pledge Summary report is designed for a detailed analysis on capital campaign pledges that have a start and end date and that require a donor to give on a recurring basis until their total pledge amount is fulfilled. This report is available under the 'Reports' menu of the Faith Direct homepage. 

The report has filters for the different campaign appeals on Faith Direct for your church and it is recommended that you run a report for each capital campaign individually.

Running the report with the detailed information box checked will give you a detailed breakdown for each donor's standing on the capital campaign. Information essential would be the Recurring Amount column with tells you the amount they are actively contributing each week or month, Total Pledge column which gives you the total amount they will contribute to the campaign, Payment Frequency to tell you how frequently they are giving, Offline Payment which will tell you how much they gave upfront before continuing their pledge on Faith Direct, Payment Left which will tell you the number of payments left of that donor, Pledge Balance which will tell you the outstanding amount left to fulfill that pledge, First Payment which will tell you the date first payment was made and Last Payment which will tell you when the last payment will be made.

If you run the report without detailed information box checked, it will give you a more simple report on the standing of your capital campaign which includes the number of active donors contributing to that pledge, the total amount in pledges collected, and the remaining amount to be collected for the campaign pledge to be fulfilled.

Below is a sample of the Pledge Summary report.


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