Live Transactions Report

Live Transaction Report

The Live Transactions report is available under 'Reports' menu on your Faith Direct home page. It gives you a list of all the one-time payments processed from one-time appeal collections or event payment and is made using a credit card. Live transactions unlike recurring transactions process immediately rather than the 4th or 15th transaction dates. 

The Live Transactions report can be filtered by date range and can be downloaded in Excel, Word, or simply viewed on the screen.  

Running this report once or twice every month can be useful because it gives you donations processed by parishioners who want to give a donation for a specific cause, or if they are an existing donor and want to catch up for missed gifts, or if they are payments coming from event registrations.

If your parish has text to give, you are also able to look for those who have given through Text to Give only.

A sample of the Live Transactions report can be found below.


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