Cancelled Accounts Report

Cancelled Accounts Report

The Cancelled Accounts report is a useful report to determine who is no longer using the Faith Direct program. Donors who wish to cancel their accounts with Faith Direct can choose to either reach out to us by phone or email. Additionally, if there is a long period of inactivity on a donor's account, Faith Direct will automatically close the donor's account for reasons due to inactivity. The most common reasons for cancelled accounts are financial reasons, moving parishes, if the donor is deceased, or if they choose to give using envelopes.

The Cancelled Accounts report can be viewed on the screen itself by using the date filters and can also be downloaded into Excel or CSV format.

You may also checkmark a box to get the donor's address information in case you wanted to reach out to them for tax statements or for anything else.

Based on the date range, the report will filter a list of all cancelled accounts for that time period. There is also a column for Cancellation Reason so the church can get a general idea as to why the donor's account was cancelled by Faith Direct.

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