Creating and Updating Online Appeals

Creating and Updating Online Appeals

1.    The Appeals page on Faith Direct is listed on the left navigation menu under the 'Church Overview' page. Click on the Appeals link to view your active and ended Appeals.

There is a broad spectrum of Appeal types and they range from different frequency types such as weekly, monthly, annual, one-time, multi-frequency, and campaign Appeals.

3.    Information needed to add an Appeal:

a.    Name of Appeal

b.    Frequency of giving

c.     Fund number (if your system uses them)

d.    Is donation tax-deductible?

e.    Any notes you may want to add for parishioners

f.      Do you want to display Appeal on the give now, one-time gift page

4.    What can I change on an Appeal: On the left side of the Appeal on the Appeals page is the Appeal ID. If you click on it, it will take you inside that collection where you can make additional changes once they are set up.

If you scroll further down the page, you can select 'Yes' or 'No' for making a collection tax-deductible. Underneath that, you can choose to display or hide the Appeal on the Recurring Gifts page depending on your selection. The Recurring Gifts page is also known as the Enrollment page for regular Faith Direct donors. You may include a note for the donor on the recurring gifts page if you would like to have them see a note that gives a description of the Appeal they are donating to. Similarly, you can select 'Yes' or 'No' next to 'Display Appeal on Give Now'. The Give Now page is also known as the One Time Gifts page and this is designed to capture the eyes of the donors who are not enrolled with Faith Direct. You may also add a note next to the Appeal on the Give Now page so the donor will know what they are giving towards. When you are done making changes on the Appeals page you need to click on the 'Save Appeal' button.

5. Can I change the month in which the appeal is active?  Yes.  Something to remember is once someone has donated to it you cannot alter the frequency of the appeal, but you can change the month in which it is recurring.  Once you update the month to the correct month for the current year, scroll down and click the green Save button to save the change.

6. Can I make basic changes to our list order of available Appeals on Faith Direct?  Yes, an important feature on the Appeals Page is that it gives you the ability to sort gifts on the Recurring Gifts page or the Give Now page. 

Similarly, if you click on View/Sort Appeals on the Give Now page for non-donors, you will be able to sort the different groups of collections by simply dragging and dropping your cursor by selecting the Appeal and rearranging them on the page.

7.    Am I able to activate, end, or reactivate Appeals? Yes, you can do all three.

To make an Appeal Live online (activate), click on the blue number next to the Appeal name.

To End an Appeal, click into the Appeal. At the top right corner of the page, you will see the link to end the Appeal, once you click it, it is ended. To reactivate an appeal that has been ended, please email your Client Success Manager

It you have any further questions, please email your Client Success Manager, or email for assistance, or call 866-507-8757 and ask for your Client Success Manager.  If you are unsure as to who that is, that's not a problem, they will look that up when you call.  

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