What Faith Direct Needs From You


We will provide a draft copy of the introduction letter and email for your parish to review, edit, and return to us. Once we receive your edits, we will create the final introduction mailing.  If you have a current eGiving program, we will provide a second version that has a language specific to those eGiving parishioners.


We need these items to create the introduction mailing.
Letterhead/Logo:  Image files that can be sent via email are preferred. If you do not have those available, please send hard copy samples via mail to our office.
Signature: The pastor should sign his name three times on a blank piece sheet of paper the way he would like for it to appear on the letter. This can be scanned and emailed or sent via mail. 

Sample Enrollment Form


The list of collections and their processing schedule that you provide will be the giving options for your parishioners.  We will use the list to create a paper enrollment form to be included in your introduction mailing.  The collections will also be available on your online giving page.
Does your parish have an active capital campaign?  Be sure to let us know if you have a capital campaign or collections that are of significant importance and should be prioritized on your enrollment form or online giving page.


We need a detailed list of parishioners who have given to your offertory collection in the last 12-month period. 
Please provide the following fields in the data:
Full Name (Ex. Mr. and Mrs. John Smith)
Salutation (Ex. Mr. and Mrs. Smith)* if not provided, will Use Dear Parishioner
Mailing Street Address
Mailing City
Mailing State
Mailing Zip
Envelope ID#
Email Address 
Last 12 months offertory total giving amount
Acceptable File Formats: Excel (.xls,.xlsx), Comma Delimited/Comma Separated Values (.csv) or Text (.txt)
Previous eGiving Programs: If you currently have any parishioners are transitioning from an in-house program or another eGiving provider, we will want to receive these parishioners in a separate file as they will be handled differently.
Capital Campaigns: If you have an active capital campaign, we will want to discuss what information you might want to include in the introduction mailing before you begin exporting any data. 
Data Export: Having problems exporting your data file? We have some helpful tips on page ##.


Does your parish have a significant Spanish (or other languages) speaking population?  Let us know and we will make sure that your introduction mailing and materials are provided in a language that meets your parishioners’ needs.
In addition to all print materials, the Faith Direct website is available in many different languages.

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