September 2023 Newsletter (Non Parish Specific)


After a Summer that felt like it flew right by, it's already September and time to prepare for the busy Fall season ahead.  Read below for more information on how Faith Direct can assist your parish and various ministries.

This month will focus on the Fall stewardship season, our regular Event Forms tutorial series, September bulletin & social media announcements, as well as September disbursement dates.  As always, let your Client Relations Manager know if you need help with any of these or have other questions or concerns.

Faith Direct is honored to be part of your parish in every season, and for every ministry you offer to your families as well as those in need.  May God bless you and your loved ones!

In This Issue

Holiday Closure

Fall Stewardship Season   

Event Forms Tutorial – Best Practice recommendations

September Bulletin & Social Media Announcements  

Mobile App Announcement

Reminder: Pastor and Staff Changes

September 2023 Disbursements

Labor Day Office Closure

Our offices will be closed on Monday, September 4th in observance of Labor Day.  The Faith Direct team wishes you, your colleagues, and your parish family continued blessings for a safe, happy, and enjoyable holiday.

Fall Stewardship Season

No doubt you are already preparing for the busy fall stewardship season.

While you're planning, keep in mind that Faith Direct can help with your stewardship or capital campaign mailing, or any other special outreach, in lieu of your regular annual parishioner outreach mailing.  There is also our seasonal fall stewardship email campaign that you can take advantage of to increase enrollment and giving.

Your stewardship campaign can also be added to the list of collections available for online giving. Parishioners will be able to sign into their existing accounts to set up campaign pledges or one-time gifts.

Even if you decide not to utilize your Faith Direct annual parishioner outreach for your stewardship mailing, you can still promote enrollment in eGiving for your campaign.  Here is a quick paragraph you can keep for future reference or include in your church communications this fall:

If you haven’t already, I prayerfully request that you consider joining the many families who use Faith Direct to fulfill their very generous stewardship commitments to our parish and the wider church.  Faith Direct provides our families with the ability to give to our parish via electronic donation and I remain most pleased with the service they have provided our parish.

I hope you will set aside five or ten minutes today to visit

Event Forms Tutorial Series: Best Practice recommendations

Did you know that you can create a custom template within events?  Once a registration is complete, you can update the questions (if there are any changes that you think would make the next year easier), and then create a custom template!  This is great for when next year comes, instead of recreating the event, you can select from the custom templates.  This makes getting ready for the next year a sinch!  Click here to view a step by step article on how to create the template.

Additionally, we recommend unpublishing (closing) any old events that are currently open (published) but no longer active.  Though it may be easier to overwrite an old event with new information for a new event, it is not recommended.  To keep reporting as clean as possible, the best practice would be to close old events and create a new event by using a template of the old event to update accordingly.    

If you have any additional questions, you can access the full manual and resources here.  As always, if you have additional questions, you can contact your Client Relations Manager directly or email the Relations team at

Bulletin Announcement


With the arrival of autumn, I'd like to invite you to join Faith Direct, our parish's electronic giving program.  Our to-do lists can get lengthy during this season, but Faith Direct's eGiving program will give you one less thing to remember each week--no more envelopes to find before you go to Mass.  Getting started with eGiving is easy.  Here are the ways to sign up.

• Visit

• Call Faith Direct Customer Service at 866-507-8757

• Scan the QR code


Con la llegada del otoño, me gustaría invitarlos a unirse a Faith Direct, el programa de donaciones electrónicas de nuestra parroquia.  Nuestras listas de tareas pueden ser largas durante esta temporada, pero el programa eGiving de Faith Direct le dará una cosa menos para recordar cada semana: no más sobres para encontrar antes de ir a misa.  Comenzar con eGiving es fácil.  Estas son las formas de registrarse:

• Visite

• Llame al Servicio al Cliente de Faith Direct al 866-507-8757

• Escanea el código QR

Facebook Announcement 


Pencils?  Notebooks?  eGiving?  As you are crossing things off of your back-to-school list, consider enrolling in eGiving through Faith Direct so you can support St. John Demo Church on the go.

Go to to enroll for recurring giving.


¿Lápices?  ¿Cuadernos?  ¿Donaciones electrónicas?  Mientras tacha cosas de su lista de regreso a la escuela, considere inscribirse en eGiving a través de Faith Direct para que pueda apoyar St. John Demo Church sobre la marcha.

Vaya a para inscribirse en donaciones recurrentes.

Mobile App Announcement

Faith Direct regrets to inform that the Mobile App has been discontinued due to lack of use.  We apologize for any inconvenience this causes.  If there is any concern about a drop in giving with the end of the mobile app, now would be a great time to do an outreach!  Please reach out to your Client Relations Manager for any concerns or questions. 

Reminder: Changes to Pastor and Parish Staff?

Help us keep our records up to date!

Have there been any pastoral or administrative staff changes at St. John Demo Church?  Anyone that needs to be removed from our address book?  If so, please contact your Client Relations Manager at so we can update our records.

September 2023 Disbursements

Faith Direct will process September donations on Tuesday, September 5th, and Friday, September 15th.  Parish disbursements will be Monday, September 11th, and Thursday, September 21st.

*Please Note: There is a four-business day period after donations are processed to reconcile transactions with bank and credit card companies before we disburse monies to your church account.

If your parish is currently offering one debit date and would like to add a second, you can contact your Client Relations Manager directly or send an email to                                                                                             

***** Please note our main operating headquarters has moved.  *****
The new address is:
10133 Sherrill Blvd., Suite 120

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