December 2023 Newsletter (Non Parish Specific)


What a joy it is to welcome the Christmas season! It’s a beautiful time of peace, love, fellowship, and charity both here at Faith Direct and for all the parishes we serve.  We wish your parish family all the best throughout this month.  Our team has been working hard to give you the best resources to help your parish flourish during Christmastime and throughout the year.


As always, let your Client Relations Manager know if you need help or have any other questions or concerns.


Faith Direct is very honored to be part of your parish in every season, and for every ministry you offer to your families as well as those in need.  Merry Christmas, and may God bless you and your loved ones!


In This Issue


Office Closures

Last Call – Advent Christmas Email Campaign

Event Forms 101 – Testing your event (discount code)

December Bulletin & Social Media Announcements  

Updating Collections for 2024

Confirm Tax Statement Preferences

December 2023 Disbursements


Faith Direct’s Holiday Schedule



Closed Friday 12/22

Closed Monday 12/25 


New Year’s:

Closed at 12pm EST Friday 12/29

Closed Monday 1/1


LAST CALL – Advent Christmas Email Campaign

During this time of Advent as we prepare our hearts for Christ’s arrival, offer your parishioners the opportunity to give back in a faithful way.  The Advent Christmas campaign is designed to engage your parishioners in the spirit of stewardship all year long.  The ask is not necessarily for increased giving, but to consider another means of giving i.e. eGiving – a meaningful way to streamline their giving and provide steady, consistent support to their parish and parish ministries.  


You can view it in English and in Spanish.  Please feel free to modify the copy to best reflect your parish’s ministries and priorities.  Once edited, let Faith Direct do the work for you!  Simply contact your Client Relations Manager directly or email and Faith Direct will send the Advent eGiving email on your behalf.  Make sure to include your edits to the email copy (if any) and a spreadsheet of your parishioners' email addresses.

Faith Direct respects the privacy of your parishioners and will not send this email without your permission.

There are also bulletin options here and here that we can customize with your parish’s information.  Let your Client Relations Manager know which one you would like to use for your church bulletin!


Event Forms 101 – Testing Your Event Form (using discount code)


It is best practice to fully test your event form as parishioners would experience it before promoting.  In order to do this without submitting an actual payment, you can apply the Discount Code feature.  You will find this in Form Properties under the Payment Tab.  You simply click “Enable Discount Code” and set a discount for 100% off when the code of your choice is entered – i.e. “Test123”.  When you visit the direct link of your event to test it, you can enter that text into the Discount Code box in the Payment section to submit your test registration without submitting a payment.  This is also useful for receiving and viewing a test confirmation email. Learn how to create a discount code through the help article located here

Note, you will need to contact your Client Relations Manager to delete the test registrations.


If you have any additional questions, you can access the full manual and resources here.  As always, if you have additional questions, you can contact your Client Relations Manager directly or email the Client Relations team at


Bulletin Announcement




Luke 2:11- "For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.”


As Christmas is rapidly approaching, this is our time to celebrate the birth of Jesus our Lord and savior.  So, amidst the presents, cookie decorating and Christmas parties, remember, Jesus is the reason for the season.


Your eGiving donations allows our ministry to continue to provide gifts to the community and you can easily get started by: 

  • Visiting
  • Calling Faith Direct Customer Service at 866-507-8757

 Thank you and may God bless your generosity.



Luke 2:11- "Porque os ha nacido hoy, en la ciudad de David, un Salvador, que es Cristo el Señor."

A medida que se acerca la Navidad, este es nuestro momento para celebrar el nacimiento de Jesús, nuestro Señor y Salvador.  Así que, en medio de los regalos, la decoración de galletas y las fiestas de Navidad, recuerde, Jesús es la razón de la temporada.  

Sus donaciones electrónicas permiten que nuestro ministerio continúe brindando obsequios a la comunidad y usted puede comenzar fácilmente al:

  • Visitando
  •  Llamando al Servicio de Atención al Cliente de Faith Direct al 866-507-8757

Gracias y que Dios bendiga su generosidad.


Facebook Announcement 




Hope. Love. Joy. Peace.

You can help St. John Demo Church share the blessings of Advent all year long with eGiving.

Sign-up is easy and secure – visit

Thank you for being part of our parish ministries!




Esperar. Amor. Alegría. Paz.

Puede ayudar a St. John Demo Church a compartir las bendiciones de Adviento durante todo el año con eGiving.

Registrarse es fácil y seguro:

¡Gracias por ser parte de nuestros ministerios parroquiales!


Updating Collections for 2024

Yes, it’s hard to believe 2024 is just around the corner.  If you have changes to your collections that need to be updated for the next year, that change can be made in the blink of an eye from your own computer!  If your user account has Appeal Management access, simply go to the appeals tab in Church Admin, and then click on the hyperlinked Appeal ID to open the appeal.   

Scroll down to Appeal Collection Frequency and you’ll be able use the drop-down selection to change the month from what it currently is to the month that you need it to be.  Please make sure to update November and December appeals AFTER that month’s withdrawal for 2023.


As always, you can contact your Client Relations Manager for assistance or email


Confirm Tax Statement Preferences

It’s that time of year when the everyone starts to think about tax statements.  You can log into the Church Admin site at any time in December and view whether St. John Demo Church is currently set to have Faith Direct mail statements out to donors on your behalf.  You can update that preference on your Church Overview page.


Any changes to your tax statement settings should be made by Christmas.


December 2023 Disbursements


Faith Direct will process December donations on:


Monday 12/4

Wednesday 12/15


Faith Direct will disburse to the Parish on:


Friday 12/8

Tuesday 12/21


There will be a special “EOY 2023” (End of Year 2023) Disbursement on January 4 th , 2024 for all live transactions made between 12/15 and 12/31.


*Please Note: There is a four-business day period after donations are processed to reconcile transactions with bank and credit card companies before we disburse monies to your church account.


If your parish is currently offering one debit date and would like to add a second, you can contact your Client Relations Manager directly or send an email to 


***** Please note our main operating headquarters has moved.  *****
The new address is:
10133 Sherrill Blvd., Suite 120

Still need help? Contact Us Contact Us