March 2024 Newsletter (Non Parish Specific)



As winter turns into spring, we are reminded how the Lenten journey leading to Christ’s sacrifice turns into the joy of new life with the Resurrection.  We give thanks to God for His love, comfort and mercy.  As we continue this Lenten journey, Faith Direct is honored to be part of helping your parish and ministries. 


This month we’re sharing the last call for the Lenten Email Campaign, our ongoing Event video series, bulletin and social media ideas, information about our help center and March disbursement dates.


May God bless you and your loved ones throughout Lent and in the months to come.


In This Issue


Program Benefit Reminder – Processing Offset

Event Forms 101 – Setting up Email Confirmations / Kiosks 

Bulletin & Social Media Announcements

Church Help Center

March 2024 Disbursements  


Program Benefit Reminder – Processing Offset


You may have noticed it is becoming standard practice to offer donors the ability to help pay the transaction fees of their donations.  In fact, donors themselves are increasingly asking about this so their parish receives the maximum benefit of their gift.  If you haven’t already, this option can be turned on for your parish.


The Processing Offset fee rate is determined by the church, however we recommend 2.6% as the “industry standard” and not going over 5%.  Donors opt in via checkbox and the fee offset applies to all gifts.  So, you’re either opted in for all collections, or you are not. (There is no processing offset only for offertory and not for building fund.)


Finally, Processing Offset is treated like an appeal for reporting purposes.


Let your Client Relations Manager know or email if you would like to offer this option to your donors.


Event Forms 101


Email confirmations are a great and required communication from the Event itself to those who sign up.  Not only can confirmations be set up to go to the person who fills out the form, but copies can also be sent to staff or volunteers who need to be notified as well.  Within the Staff or Volunteer confirmation there is the default to include the Submission Link.  Faith Direct recommends that instead of the Submission Link, use the placeholder of “All Response Details”.  More information about email confirmations and how they can be utilized can be found here


When setting up an event the option to preview the event itself is at the bottom of the form.  Preview is a wonderful way to look at your event before publishing.  While preview is very helpful to get the feel of the design and flow of the event, please be aware that conditions placed on the event don’t always work under preview until you save your Form.  You may also see a warning triangle in the upper right-hand corner.  The warnings are for kiosks which are not applicable to Faith Direct, please disregard these warnings if you see them, they won’t impact the event being set up. 


You can access the full manual and resources here.  As always, if you have additional questions, you can contact your Client Relations Manager directly.


Bulletin Announcement




The Lenten season fills our parish with hope and promise – opportunities abound to grow our vital ministries, explore new ways to share the good news of Christ’s love, and reflect His care and mercy to those in need throughout the community. To continue to make a difference in 2024, St. John Demo Church is reaching out to our parishioners.


With eGiving, you can help sustain and build ministries this year that reflect the promise of God’s love. The need is great in our community, and your generous online gifts will help people all around us.


We prayerfully request that you consider signing up for eGiving from your computer, smartphone or tablet. You can set up a recurring donation or make a one-time gift.


Sign up today by visiting or calling Customer Service at 866-507-8757.


Thank you for your continued support of our parish family.


God Bless You,

(Pastor's Name)




La temporada de Cuaresma llena nuestra parroquia con esperanza y promesa: abundan las oportunidades para hacer crecer nuestros ministerios vitales, explorar nuevas formas de compartir las buenas nuevas del amor de Cristo y reflejar Su cuidado y misericordia a los necesitados en toda la comunidad. Para continuar marcando la diferencia en 2024, St. John Demo Church se acerca a nuestros feligreses.


Con eGiving, puede ayudar a sostener y construir ministerios este año que reflejen la promesa del amor de Dios. La necesidad es grande en nuestra comunidad, y sus generosas donaciones en línea ayudarán a las personas que nos rodean.


Le pedimos en oración que considere registrarse para eGiving desde su computadora, teléfono inteligente o tableta. Puede configurar una donación recurrente o hacer una donación única.


Regístrese hoy visitando o llame al servicio de atención al cliente de Faith Direct al 866-507-8757.


Gracias por su continuo apoyo a nuestra familia parroquial.


Dios lo bendiga,

(Pastor's Name Here


Facebook Announcement




The Lenten season fills our parish with hope and promise – opportunities abound to grow our vital ministries, explore new ways to share the good news of Christ’s love, and reflect His care and mercy to those in need throughout the community. To do the most good, St. John Demo Church depends on online donations from caring individuals like you.


We prayerfully request that you consider signing up for eGiving and setting up your recurring donation. You can use eGiving from your computer, smartphone or tablet for recurring and one-time gifts.


Sign up today by visiting or calling Customer Service at 866-507-8757.




La temporada de Cuaresma llena nuestra parroquia con esperanza y promesa: abundan las oportunidades para hacer crecer nuestros ministerios vitales, explorar nuevas formas de compartir las buenas nuevas del amor de Cristo y reflejar Su cuidado y misericordia a los necesitados en toda la comunidad. Para hacer el mayor bien, St. John Demo Church depende de las donaciones en línea de personas solidarias como usted.


Le pedimos en oración que considere inscribirse en eGiving y configurar su donación recurrente.


Puede usar eGiving desde su computadora, teléfono inteligente o tableta para donaciones recurrentes y únicas.Regístrese hoy visitando, o llame al servicio de atención al cliente de Faith Direct al 866-507-8757.


Church Help Center


Did you know there is a HELP section in your admin platform that is a Go-To Resource for common questions?  The HELP sections is designed specifically to provide you with easy-to-follow, step-by-step instruction for all your reporting and platform needs.  In the HELP section, (found in the upper left, on Blue bar) you will find comprehensive guides and tutorials to assist you in mastering every aspect of our platform.  Whether you are looking to generate detailed reports, manage user permissions, or explore advanced features, our curated resources will walk you through each process with clarity and ease.


To enhance your learning experience, we have incorporated screen shots and visual aids throughout our tutorials.  These images provide visual cues to accompany the written instructions, ensuring you can follow along effortlessly and confidently.


Our goal is to empower you the make the most of our platform and the HELP section is a testament to that commitment.


March 2024 Disbursements


Faith Direct will process March donations on:


Monday 3/4

Friday 3/15


Faith Direct will disburse monies to the Parish on:


Friday 3/8

Thursday 3/21


*Please Note: There is a four-business day period after donations are processed to reconcile transactions with bank and credit card companies before we disburse monies to your church account.


If your parish is currently offering one debit date and would like to add a second, you can contact your Client Relations Manager directly or send an email to    

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